El despido por correo electrónico y la validez del mediodigital como prueba en el proceso social
The monitoring, by the company, of the use of the computer, computer files and email, in accordance with jurisprudence, constitute exceptions to the company's record control system and therefore, art. 18 of the ET, but art. 20, ET because they are media …
Jurisprudence has repeatedly maintained that the threat of dismissal is not intimidation within the meaning of art. 1267 CC., understood as an unfair threat, to the extent that it constitutes a warning of the legitimate exercise of disciplinary power in …
The General Social Security Law itself, in the third section of article 156, establishes a presumption of employment for any mishap suffered by a worker during the time and place of work. The burden of proof is reversed and it is ultimately a matter of …
Novedades en la videovigilancia de los trabajadores en cuanto al uso de videocámaras clandestinas u ocultas
Reforma de la Ley de la Cadena Alimentaria
The Liberatory Value Of The Settlement
The Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land, known as municipal capital gains tax (hereinafter, IIVTNU), given its course in recent years until the recent Constitutional Court Ruling (STC) of 26/10/2021, is a tax that levied and intends to continue to …
On 10 July 2021, Law 11/2021, of 9 July, on measures to prevent and combat tax fraud, transposing the Council Directive (EU) 2016/1164, of 12 July 2016, laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the functioning of the …
Royal Decree 901/2020, of 13 October, regulating Equality Plans The Royal Decree 901/2020, of 13 October, regulating Equality Plans and their registration (hereinafter, "RD 901/2020"), was passed in order to comply with the provisions of Royal Decree-Law …