In this exceptional situation marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, we find ourselves in a scenario of continuing uncertainty, where a vigilant attitude towards each of the government movements that mark the course to be followed is decisive. Taking the …
A missed opportunity for leases of business premises
Let us show you how to recover your investment.
Article 52.d) of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, which approves the Consolidated Text of the Workers' Statute Law (“ET”) enables the employer to terminate the employment relationship by absenteeism in case of reaching certain thresholds …
Como ya comentamos en nuestra Circular 01/2018, el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) en su Sentencia de nº 59/2017, de 11 de mayo de 2017 (STC 59/2017), vino a establecer la nulidad parcial de determinados artículos del Impuesto sobre el Incremento del Valor …
Por todos es conocida, dada la relevancia mediática suscitada, la última reforma laboral llevada a cabo por el Real Decreto-Ley 8/2019, de 8 de marzo, de medidas urgentes de protección social y de lucha contra la precariedad laboral en la jornada de …
The general shareholders’ meetings of those companies where the financial year is the calendar year shall begin to be called soon. Thus, for those companies that closed their financial year last December 31, - the vast majority of the Spanish companies …
The efforts undertaken internationally to ensure that the competitiveness of companies and research organizations that are based on know-how and undisclosed business information (business secrets) are adequately protected have a long standing. At first, …
The Act 29/1994, of November, 24th, on Urban Leases ( LAU ), has been modified often since it entered into force. No need to go far to find examples, LAU was last modified in 2013 – we then issued our Newsletter 5/2013 , which remains available in our …
When we thought that companies who has been affected by financial products were losing their chances to claim against the financial institutions, basically, because of temporary issues, the Supreme Court (hereinafter, also as “ SC” ) have shed light on …