News and publications

29 September 2022

Alentta colabora con la sección de Derecho Concursal del ICAV

Alentta colabora con la sección de Derecho Concursal del ICAV

09 September 2022

Orgullosos de nuestra participación en la venta de Zummo

Orgullosos de nuestra participación en la venta de Zummo

16 March 2022

Alentta asesora a los socios de Evalúe en la adquisición por Tinexta

Alentta asesora a los socios de Evalúe en la adquisición por Tinexta

09 December 2021

Expormim Premio Nacional de Diseño

Muy contentos y orgullosos de que nuestro cliente Expormim haya sido distinguido por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación con el Premio Nacional de Diseño 2021, los más importantes de España en esta materia, en su modalidad de “Empresas”. Esta empresa …

09 December 2021

GrupoStop adquiere la clínica Dermitek

Grupostop, empresa con sede en Barcelona, líder en el sector de la depilación láser y la medicina estética, con más de 72 centros propios, ha adquirido Dermitek, clínica de referencia médico-estética en el País Vasco, apostando por crecer en este nicho, …

19 November 2021

The Tax On The Increase In Value Of Urban Land (IIVTNU)

The Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land, known as municipal capital gains tax (hereinafter, IIVTNU), given its course in recent years until the recent Constitutional Court Ruling (STC) of 26/10/2021, is a tax that levied and intends to continue to …

23 July 2021

Again With Cash Payment Limitations

On 10 July 2021, Law 11/2021, of 9 July, on measures to prevent and combat tax fraud, transposing the Council Directive (EU) 2016/1164, of 12 July 2016, laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the functioning of the …

17 February 2021

Equality Plans And Their Urgent Implementation

Royal Decree 901/2020, of 13 October, regulating Equality Plans The Royal Decree 901/2020, of 13 October, regulating Equality Plans and their registration (hereinafter, "RD 901/2020"), was passed in order to comply with the provisions of Royal Decree-Law …

18 May 2020

ERTES: "X" Files Regarding COVID-19

In this exceptional situation marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, we find ourselves in a scenario of continuing uncertainty, where a vigilant attitude towards each of the government movements that mark the course to be followed is decisive.   Taking the …

04 May 2020

Measures And Aid For Rentals In Response To The Covid-19

A missed opportunity for leases of business premises

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