Monitoring by the company of the worker's use of the internet and email during the work day

09 May 2024

Monitoring by the company of the worker's use of the internet and email during the work day

The monitoring, by the company, of the use of the computer, computer files and email, in accordance with jurisprudence, constitute exceptions to the company's record control system and therefore, art. 18 of the ET, but art. 20, ET because they are media that are property of the company and, consequently, their surveillance falls within the normal powers of control of the businessman. In this way, it can be said that these are not personal objects, but rather work tools whose purpose is to facilitate professional work. However, for these purposes, it is necessary that the company has previously established the rules for the use of email and the Internet during the Working Day.

PDF: 240507_articulo-laboral

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